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The God of Olympus Page 10

  “Why have you come Hades? You must have come for more reason than to mock me, have you not?”

  “I mean no harm, I assure you,” said Hades, pacing around the prison, into and out of the darkness. “I know of your great power and I heard of your great performance in the Olympic Games. But this is about much more. I want to make you a great proposition Hercules.” Hercules didn’t want to hear what ridiculous proposition Hades had planned for Hercules, but there was little he could do at the moment because he was still stuck in the dungeon.

  “I am sure that after your performance at the Olympic Games you have your name up in lights all across Greece. I am sure that people will soon as worship your name! You are bringing the kingdom together by your mere name! I bet you have all the women after you.”

  “What is this about Hades?” asked Hercules.

  “I know that you, as a great hero, want to save everyone, right?” said Hades.

  “Yes, I want to save everyone, but what of it?”

  Hades smiled. “Well, you are very capable and once you get out of this prison I am sure you will have no difficulty in saving everyone on the Greek mainland, but then you should know that there is someone you are forgetting…someone far away, on a small island to the northwest known as Corfu. There is someone who is terribly lost, so terribly lost that even I have yet to truly understand how to control her. She is so wild that I have yet to figure out how to tame her, so angry that I have yet understood how to calm her, and so sad that I have yet understood how to please her. You see Hercules, I have yet to understand what she really wants. Once I understand what a person really wants I can make a deal with them and, in due time, make them my servant. But she evades me so that it pains me each and every day that she is away from my hand. It is as if she stands in her great island palace, mocking me and enticing me to have her. And, oh I will do everything I can to get her! You may say that it is my great weakness, as everyone, no matter how great, has a weakness.” Hades looked to Hercules, who was silent. “And that is where you come in Hercules? You seem very smart, so I will make you a deal, a deal that I have not made any man before!”

  “No,” replied Hercules, before he could say a word more. “I will not listen to you or your deals, for they are all evil!”

  Hades nodded. “Fair enough, but perhaps you will reconsider when you realize what I can take away from you…perhaps what loved ones are not with you or on Mount Olympus. You see Hercules, I am not without knowledge in the world. I am not without many spies and even those who live so far away from society still are known to me—especially if they looked after Hercules himself.” Hercules’ thoughts suddenly shifted to his mortal guardians—Amphitryon and Alcmene. Hades smiled insidiously. “Well, if you happen to change your mind, the window is open,” said Hades as he pointed his staff towards the window and sent a powerful blast of black magic that blew the bars off of the window. Then Hades disappeared in a blur of black smoke.

  “No!” yelled Hercules as he leapt through the air at Hades. But Hades disappeared before he could do anything.

  Immediately after this happened Hercules knew what he had to do. Hades must have found out about Amphitryon and Alcmene and he had to get to them before Hades did.

  Hercules leapt through the window of the prison and out into the streets of Athens. There he looked to the north-west and began running. He remembered what Zeus had told him about how Pegasus was bound to him and would be with him at all times he needed him.

  Hercules ran fast through the streets of Athens, pushing through people as he went. He tried to communicate with Pegasus—to inform Pegasus of where he is. And he kept running until he reached the center of Athens and got up next to a statue of Athena. There he looked up into the sky. For a moment he didn’t see anything, but then he heard a voice in the crowd yell, “Look, in the sky!” someone shouted. “It is a great bird!”

  “Not a bird, but a beast!” yelled another in fear.

  Everyone scattered all around as the great Pegasus descended to the ground. Hercules smiled as he saw his great steed. “It is you Pegasus! You have come!” Hercules raced forward and petted Pegasus, who lowered his massive wings. “Come,” said Hercules. “We have no time, we must fly towards Delphi. There my parents must be!”

  So Hercules mounted Pegasus and Pegasus flew high up into the air to save his parents.


  Philoctetes had followed this mysterious man for several minutes until he was motioned to enter his house. The house that Philoctetes found himself in was very small and broken-down. The wood around it had been eaten away by, what appeared to be termites, and there were few pieces of furniture in the house.

  Philoctetes felt nervous as he entered the house. The visitor looked at him and then moved out into the small courtyard and started a small fire. There he stirred what food was in a bowl, dished come out in a bowl, and handed it to Philoctetes. Philoctetes was surprised by this but did not question it, but began eating.

  Then, after a few moments, the man dropped his hood, revealing a familiar face. “I am sorry for the secrecy, but I had no choice.”

  Philoctetes was surprised at what he saw. The body that stood before him was massive and his face was battered and dusty. “Milo?”

  “Yes, and who are you? Why do you not remove that hood?”

  “I do not because people will not like what they see,” said Philoctetes.

  “And most do not like what they see,” said Milo. “But that is why we live—to learn to like what we see, even if it is ugly.”

  Philoctetes slowly removed the hood from his head. He expected Milo to be terrified or to have some expression of disgust on his face. But he was surprised to see that he did not. “Are you not disgusted at my face? Do you not think me a demon of Hades’?”

  Milo shook his head. “No I do not,” said Milo.

  Several moments passed. “What are you doing here and why did you lead me here?” asked Philoctetes.

  “You said that Hercules needs help,” said Milo. “And I have grown fond of Hercules, even if he did defeat me in the Olympic Games. And you said that your name was Philoctetes. You see, Hercules spoke very highly of you Philoctetes, as his great trainer.”

  “But why the secrecy? Why not tell me in the open?”

  Milo grabbed a pail of water and put out the fire. “Because I am now an exile here in Athens. Although I was originally from Sparta, I spent much time in Athens and had many friends, friends that are now lost to me.” Then Milo because to recount to Philoctetes all that had transpired to him:

  “After Pericles had thrown Hercules into the palace prison he was still very desirous to gain a great Olympic ally. So he ordered his guards to bring me to him. Once they found me they brought me up to Pericles grand palace.

  ‘Hello Milo!’ Pericles said. ‘I think that you will be pleased to know that I have chosen you for a great task, to be my great emissary to the world—to prepare the entire Greek world to be united.’

  Pericles looked at me and smiled.

  ‘What did you do with Hercules?’


  ‘Yes, I was told that you invited him into your house today,’ I said.

  ‘Yes, I did, but he would not cooperate,’ said Pericles. ‘You see, Hercules did not support what I mean to do with Athens. But you, as a Spartan, can give me what I want.’

  ‘And what is that?’ I asked. After that Pericles poured me a cup of wine and I took a sip.

  ‘Milo, unfortunately the only way that the entire Greek world can be united is through complete domination, and if that is to happen Athens must be made more powerful and more unified. And there is only one way that can happen. You see, I want to make Athens the way it should be, with me as its undisputed leader and king! But people won’t ever consider making me king if things stay as they are now. No, what people need to feel here is fear. Fear will call them into action. Fear will cause them to appoint me as leader. Then, I can give this nation what it truly nee
ds—belief, structure, and peace.’

  ‘I doubt that you alone can give them any of those things,’ I said.

  ‘Sparta is already ill at ease with us as it is. You returning and telling them that we hurt you will be just the thing I need to jostle people—to get the terrible Spartans to attack us! Then people hear will feel fear!’

  ‘You want me to go to Sparta and fake a war for you so that people will give you power? I came into the Olympic Games to play and to win, but not to help give power to wicked men.’

  ‘Where is Hercules?’ I asked, this time in a much firmer voice and manner.

  ‘I have placed him where you would have wanted him—prison.’

  ‘I would never have wanted that,’ I said. ‘He played fairly and you know it!’

  ‘Bah, that really doesn’t matter.’ Pericles laughed. ‘Ha, Milo, you of all people should know that when you are in a position of great power and influence, you should not say no, for although you were not a king, you were once a great military leader.’

  I muttered nothing but ‘No.’ I would not succumb to Pericles’ demands.

  Pericles then ordered his guards to grab ahold of me and bring me to prison, but none could hold me down. I flung people everywhere in a desperate attempt to escape the hands of this tyrant. Then I did the only thing I could think of doing—I raced for the front door.

  ‘No! Do not let him go!’ yelled Pericles to his guards.

  But it was too late. I had escaped the palace, and thanks to what Hercules taught me about running, I was able to outrun his guards and get away. I could hear Pericles yell to his guards, ‘See to it that you find Milo! Do not let him escape this city!’

  So I knew I needed to hide. It was then, as I was running, I found this old, abandoned house and hid here. Then, a while after that I heard you saying that Hercules was in danger I knew you must be a friend of Hercules. And I didn’t want you caught by Pericles and so I led you here.”

  Philoctetes had finished eating by the time Milo had finished his story. “I am sorry about your exile, but you know that Hercules is in prison! This is where I found him and we must get to him and release him!”

  Milo shook his head. “He is already out of prison.”

  “What? How did he escape?”

  “I do not know how,” replied Milo. “But I saw him leave just before I saw you. When I saw him I told him what happened to me and he told me to first go to Sparta. He said that I should convince the king that there is a greater enemy abroad than Pericles or Athens. Instead, he said that Hades is planning an attack on the Greek world soon and he said it would come when we least expect. So he said that I must light the beacons in Sparta. So that is where I am going…”

  Philoctetes suddenly got excited. “Excellent, but do you know where Hercules was going?”

  Milo nodded. “I saw him fly away on his horse. Quite in a rush he was, so it must have been urgent. I heard him say that he was to the north-west north-west to the outskirts of Delphi I believe.”

  Suddenly Philoctetes knew where he must have gone. While Hercules was on the island of Lemnos he had told him about his mortal guardians and their location. That was the only logical place he could be going. He knew that Hades must have threatened Hercules to destroy his guardians. “Then I must go now,” said Philoctetes, as made his way through the house towards the door.

  “Go now?” said Milo, surprised. “But you have just arrived!”

  “I am sorry, but I must find Hercules. He may yet need my help. Thank you for taking me in my friend. May we meet again!” Suddenly Philoctetes placed his hood over his head, opened the door and dashed out into the city.

  “Very well…good luck…” said Milo as he watched as Philoctetes disappeared into the city.


  As Hercules flew on Pegasus to the north-west he urged Pegasus to fly as fast as possible. “Come, we have little time!” exclaimed Hercules. And indeed, Pegasus flew as fast as she could fly, but sadly it wasn’t fast enough. From a distance Hercules could see the beautiful trees and hills surrounded by one patch of dark smoke and ash. Hercules could not mutter anything. He just hoped that somehow they were okay, that somehow they escaped the fire.

  Hercules leapt up off of Pegasus and searched as hard as he could for any sign of his parents. But tragically he saw them both. His mother didn’t get very far. She lay on the burnt grass several feet away from the cottage. Her body was cut in several places, as if there was some kind of struggle before she died.

  Hercules rushed a few more feet and saw what was left of Amphitryon’s body. His body looked entirely burned. Hercules knew that both his guardians were now dead. Pegasus followed Hercules and opened his wing so that he could soak his tears in it.

  “No!” Hercules yelled.

  Hercules spent the next hour in preparing a proper burial for his beloved guardians. He brought their bodies up to the top of the mountain and there dug two graves, and in the graves placed their bodies. After filling their graves with dirt he placed two stones at the foot of their grave and with his sword wrote their names into the stone.

  He then stared down at their graves. His memories of them rushed into his mind.

  “I never should have come back to them Pegasus!” said Hercules softly. “If I didn’t Hades would not have known they were here and they would still be alive. It is my fault that they are dead.”

  “Do not be so quick to say such things,” said a voice from behind him.

  Hercules turned to behold Philoctetes.

  “How did you find me?” asked Hercules.

  “It took me a while, but Milo told me where you were going,” said Philoctetes. “Your mission will not be without sacrifice.”

  “Yes, but I did not think that they would have to sacrifice their lives!” said Hercules. “They were just innocent bystanders.”

  “And it is often innocent bystanders that must pay the price,” said Philoctetes.

  Hercules sighed. “Hades offered me a deal,” said Hercules. “It was a deal that might be able to save them!”

  “You cannot save them by doing deals,” said Philoctetes. “Only through great sacrifice are others able to be saved, just like the sacrifice that they made.”

  Hercules sighed. “Philoctetes, I must go to him. There is a deal that might save the rest of Greece. It is the only way.”

  “They were like parents to me! And Hades, in his wrath, destroyed them. He didn’t have to. They were no threat to him. But he did it anyway. And people like that have to be stopped.”

  “He did it to hurt you,” said Philoctetes. “To anger you.”

  “And he succeeded!” Hercules moved over to a tree, a tree by where he often set watch over the sheep, and there he looked down and saw his old shepherd’s staff. The sheep were all gone, but the staff remained. “This is all I have to remember them by,” said Hercules. “This shepherd’s staff, which I used to keep track of all their sheep. I roamed through these hills for miles with the sheep there by me. I now see that some will have to die in order for my mission to be accomplished…Phil, I must go. I must go to Hades’ abode where he will suffer for this evil!”

  “No Hercules! You cannot go! You will be…what about your sword?”

  “I will not need it,” replied Hercules. “I must show him that this is not an act of war, but of justice. All I will bring is my staff as a sign to him of what has happened!”

  Philoctetes sighed. “I suppose you are right. There is now but one choice. You must go to Hades. But make no deals with him Hercules or that will be your downfall!”

  “Where is he?” asked Hercules. “How will I find him?”

  Philoctetes looked sad. “Hades dwells south of the Greek mainland in an underworld on the island of Crete. You may fly there with Pegasus, but I will not go down to that place, for it is far darker and more evil than for my liking!”

  Hercules, with his shepherd’s staff in hand and the lion skin over his shoulders, got up on Pegasus and yelled, �
�Pegasus, take me to Hades’ abode!”

  Pegasus then lifted himself up into the air and flew off into the distance, with Philoctetes looking onward. “May the Gods protect you Hercules!”


  After several hours of flying both Hercules and Pegasus saw the island of Crete come into view. What Hercules saw was not as he expected. Dark, mountainous cliffs lingered all throughout the island, making it look like a jagged, spiked rock wasteland. “This is it?” said Hercules to Pegasus. “Who would want to live here?” Hercules motioned for Pegasus to land. “This is weird Pegasus. I don’t see any way to get into his underworld. It just looks like an abandoned island to me.”

  But then Pegasus saw something and moved towards it. It was a large gate built into a large rock. The gate was unlike anything Hercules had ever before seen. It looked just as jagged as the mountain cliffs that surrounded it, except that it was smooth and shiny, as if it had been magically polished.

  Hercules stood before the gate of Hades’ abode and yelled, “Hades! God of the Underworld! This is Hercules, and I demand that you open the gate!”

  Hercules waited a few moments. At first he thought that Hades was not there, or that he was simply not going to open the gate, but then he heard a sound and watched as the massive gate magically creaked open. Then, who above all people moved forward. He smiled insidiously, and let his black robes hang down. “Hercules, Hercules, Hercules! I am delighted to see that you have come!”

  Immediately Hercules wanted to lunge at Hades with all his might for killing his parents, but he knew, as a hero, he could not and thus resisted. “Hades, you did not need to kill my parents!”

  “Yes, I am truly sorry about that Hercules,” replied Hades. “Just business you know.” Hercules wanted to punch Hades, but Pegasus leapt in front of him to hold him back. “Well, thank you for coming all the way here to my great underground palace! Come Hercules, you must walk through my abode and behold its greatness! Of course, your great steed is not allowed!”